Tuesday, April 29, 2008

New Job

Because of my recent....transition.... in employment status, I have a new job.

I love it.

I am working at an independent compounding pharmacy. It's a perfect mix for me: challenging but laid back. My boss crusies on match.com for a while, then makes a geometric dilution for a triiodothyronine aliquot.

Today, the tech made Mustargen ointment.


(I am still afraid of touching chemo agents, but maybe I'm a chicken.)

We do a lot of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy: estriol, estradiol, DHEA, testosterone, progesterone, pregnenolone.... in every combination and in every dosage form imaginable. Tablet triturates, troches, mini troches, creams, gels, ointments, suppositories, capsules.

I made a nasal spray today in which I put budesonide in a bottle of Astelin. Some drug company needs to market THAT.

My favorite things about my new job are the people and the hours. I work with PEOPLE; another pharmacist and 3 techs. After working such long hours at my last job alone most of the time, it's fun to get to have relationships with coworkers again. And I no longer have to work nights, weekends, holidays.

I get to eat lunch. It's like a pharmacy dream.

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