Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I Can't Take it Back. Really. I Can't.

I had a mean and crazy lady complain about me yesterday.

She came in, demanding that I give her another #180 tramadol 50mg tablets because the generic I gave her are “inferior” to the ones she wants. She is a new patient of mine, and this is only the second fill of tramadol that we have done for her. She never said she was partial the Mutual brand, so we just filled it for the brand we had #180 in stock. How are we supposed to know otherwise?

I told her that I could not take the tablets back (it is illegal), but her doctor could call in a new prescription with specific “early refill ok” authorization and I would fill the prescription for the brand she wants. But she would have to pay out of pocket, since we have already billed her insurance for the claim for the month of December.

She threw a royal fit. I feel bad for everyone involved in this lady’s healthcare, from the office staff to the poor doctor who has to be alone in a small room with her. I shudder at the thought.

I wasn’t being a bitch, I was following the law.

So anyway, she complained to the store assistant manager (like that’s going to do anything). She told him that she knew more about drugs that pharmacists do and that she was going to sue me.

Man, if I only had a nickel for every time a patient told me that, I’d have…..about 40 nickels.

I won’t hold my breath.

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