Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Pharmacy and My Ayn Rand Obsession

What is your favorite smelling drug?

Most pharmacists agree that products manufactured by Abbott smell appetizingly like vanilla. Almost wants me want to take Depakote. Benicar smells like butterscotch.

Chewable carbamazepine 100mg tablets smell good. Well, I guess most chewable tablets smell yummy. Brand-name Amoxil suspension’s smell brings me back to when I was a kid and bubblegum was my favorite flavor. It still smells good.

Least favorite smelling drugs are easier. My least favorite is spironolactone. The brand name

Aldactone tablets were perfumed to smell minty-fresh. The generic sort of smells like dog farts. It is disgusting.

Brand-name Glucophage smells like rotting fish, and surprisingly the generic metformin doesn’t. I will not count Armour Thyroid tablets (made of crushed up animal thyroid glands) until I absolutely have to because smelling them makes me throw up in my mouth a little. I have to hold my nose. Everyone knows that cephalexin smells like gas. That’s flatulence gas, not gasoline.

My absolute favorite smelling drug is Midrin capsules. Brand, generic: it doesn’t matter. Those things smell GOOD. Not in a food-good way, either. Kind of like architect’s erasers. Every time I have to fill a prescription for them I have one of those funny dream sequences where I imagine myself in a compromising position on the drafting desk of Howard Roark.

So, pharmacists and technicians, tell me. What’s YOUR favorite smelling drug?

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