Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Study Says Being Fat is Good

A new study published in JAMA suggests that being slightly overweight doesn’t increase a person’s risk of dying from cardiovascular disease or cancer.

Before I picked up the phone to order a pizza after reading this article, I started to think about it.

“Slightly overweight,” according to this study, is a person with a BMI from 25 to 30. For any of my (one) non-medical readers, the BMI (Body Mass Index) is a number that can be calculated based on a person’s height and weight - it is basically a measure of how “fat” you are.

A healthy BMI is considered to be between 18 and 25; a BMI value of 25 to 30 is considered overweight; and a BMI of over 30 is considered obese. I am 5′3″, and weigh 125 pounds. This calculates to be a BMI of 22.2. This is in the “healthy” range.

I wouldn’t consider myself to be fat. In fact, I think I’m pretty normal. I do consider myself to be slightly overweight, however. I wouldn’t frolic in a swimming suit or wear a tummy-baring shirt in public. I have junk in my trunk (that my g/f loves, thank you very much). To be “slightly overweight” for the sake of this study, I would need to have a BMI of 25-30. For me, that means my weight would have to be between 140 and 169 (eek!) pounds.

“Slightly overweight,” indeed!

According to the study, being a little overweight doesn’t increase risk of dying from cancer or cardiovascular disease, but does increase risk of diabetes and kidney disease. Neither one of those are a walk in the park, so I think I’ll stay in the “healthy” BMI range, thanks.

In other news, I just bought tickets to see Tori Amos in December…I am so excited, as I have loved her music since I was in junior high school. I will have to listen to her newest album “American Doll Posse” nonstop until then.

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