Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Don't Lie to Your Pharmacist, Part II

A woman just called me and asked me to transfer a prescripton for Ultram from Wal Mart. She said the pharmacist there wouldn’t fill it, because it’s early. The doctor had called to authorize an early refill, but the pharmacist on duty still would not fill it three weeks early (go unknown Wal Mart pharmacist!)

She said she was going to a funeral in Montana and the nearest pharmacy was “80 miles” from where she was staying or she would transfer the prescription to another pharmacy to fill when it was due.

I told her that I would have to ask about her history at the other pharmacy before I would transfer it (I knew that I wouldn’t either way) and inquired as to where she was traveling in Montana, as I’m from that part of the country.

She said the funeral would be in Missoula.

I told that I had been to Missoula on several occasions and there were most definitely pharmacies within city limits, and when I did a Google search with “pharmacy” and “Missoula” as subjects, I got no less than 9 local business results, including a Wal Mart Pharmacy. In fact, I think that there are probably no places in the lower 48 states that are 80 miles from a pharmacy.

When I told her that, she hung up on me. I hope the next pharmacist she calls knows Montana’s geography, too.

Or has a highly attuned bullshit sensor

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