Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I Hope I Don't See Her Next Tuesday

I was talking to my technician today about the meanest patients we have ever had. The worst that I can remember was when I worked as a pharmacy intern. I wasn’t new to pharmacy by the time I made it to intern status - I started as a clerk when I was 15, and had worked as a technician for a couple years before I got into pharmacy school. But this experience was enough to make me rethink my career choice.

A woman came into the pharmacy on a blustery winter afternoon and requested a refill on her son’s Pulmicort Respules. I informed her that the prescription was out of refills but I would be happy to contact her doctor for additional refills. She proceeded to turn bright red. I could sense the tirade building up inside her. I backed up.

And then she did it.

She called me the C-word. As in c u next tuesday. Not just the C-word. “You LITTLE C-word.”


I freaking hate the C-word. I don’t know why. I was so shocked about the use of the C-word from this apparently Mormon Mommy, that it didn’t register at first.

Thankfully, my pharmacy manager came out from behind the counter, grabbed the lady’s arm, and dragged her out of the store. Not a word was spoken between them.

I personally cannot imagine calling a 20-year old intern such a horrible name when the lack of refills was in no way her fault. I’m sure when we dispensed it the month before, there was a big fat ZERO in the spot where the label indicates number of refills remaining.

The lady called back later and tried to apologize to me. I did not accept it. Cause I hold a grudge like that.

C-word use cannot be forgiven.

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