Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Medrol is Over-The-Counter?

A woman asked for my help today finding an over-the-counter product that she was having trouble locating. “Of course,” I said. What she wanted, however, was Medrol.

She is allergic to contrast dyes and is having a radiological procedure tomorrow requiring contrast. The doctor’s office instructed her to premedicate with 50mg of Benadryl and 32mg of Medrol prior to the procedure. The office staff told her that she could get both products over-the-counter.

Not since I last checked. Benadryl, sure. But corticosteroids? Not so much.

I had to page the doctor since he was out of the office to get the order. The RECEPTIONIST that scheduled the appointment informed her that she needed the premedicate, and was the one to tell her to get the products OTC.

Thankfully, I got an oral prescription for the Medrol, she will take her dose in time, all is well.
Wouldn’t that be something, OTC methylprednisolone? Man, it would be great for hangover headaches.

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