Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Sick at Work

I’m sick today. At work. My nose is congested, I have a massive headache, and I feel phlegmy. I have taken 800mg of Ibuprofen. I have drank lots of tea. I still feel like crap. I called corporate to see if they could send me a floater.

No luck.

I knew I couldn’t call from bed this morning, there wouldn’t be anyone to open the pharmacy.
Scheduling said they MIGHT be able to send someone after 3. That means that I either get to work 7 hours sick or 12 hours sick. ‘Cause they probably won’t be able to send anyone at all.
My company doesn’t hire enough pharmacists. They expect all the other pharmacists to cover sick/vacation time for OT. This doesn’t make sense to me. You think it would be cheaper to hire one or two more full-time floaters than to pay pharmacists from Dependable if needed (at $100/hour) or pay overtime pharmacists who don’t want to work overtime anyway. I guess it’s not cheaper than forcing sick pharmacists to stay at work because there’s no one to cover their shift.

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